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Here, you’ll find resources we create to help teams create, implement, and operationalize No-BS OKRs™ (called Evolutionary OKRs® in some workplaces) to set clear goals, stay focused, and build cultures of growth, learning, and high performance.

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Expand your leadership toolkit with assessments
Leadership Sara Lobkovich Leadership Sara Lobkovich

Expand your leadership toolkit with assessments

I’ve always found assessments helpful not only for personal development and self-knowing, but also for helping organizations develop a shared language around important topics in how we work together. I am a huge supporter of using assessments personally for self-discovery and increasing your understanding about yourself, your default modes, and non-default options for behavior. Here, I share the assessments I use most frequently in my coaching and consulting …

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Leadership Sara Lobkovich Leadership Sara Lobkovich

Leading Change

The leader’s role is to operate in the most complicated intersections of their organization’s Venn diagrams. We must project optimism and confidence to internal and external stakeholders. And, we must also recognize and address risks and pain points in ways that may call for curiosity and vulnerability.

These resources help (sometimes frustrated) leaders of change get curious about their organizations’ frictions and build leadership habits designed to walk the talk of transformation.

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The Podcast

Thinkydoers is where we shift out of our heads and whiteboard drawings and work to find language for our thought-work and stories.

Each episode tackles a question, a thought experiment, or a resource intended to help you reduce frustration and friction, and increase satisfaction and flow, in your work.

Courses & Community

Thinkydoers, frustrated change agents, overthinkers, and challengers of the status quo:

You’ve found your people.

Here you’ll find our library of free downloadable tools, results-focused online learning options, and other ways to connect through our communities. Draft Evolutionary OKRs Playbook