Find out where you stand on strategy achievement potential:

Are You Set Up to Achieve Your Strategy?

Gain valuable insights, enhance your strategic alignment, and make informed decisions to drive your strategic impact forward.

Take the quiz now, and start your journey toward higher strategic achievement!

Who is this quiz for?

This quiz is for you if you are a business leader or strategic operator who:

  1. Is ready for an honest second opinion on whether your organization is operating for maximum strategic achievement.

  2. Wants to know what pieces of your strategic ops are helping or holding back your strategy achievement.

  3. Craves more objective measurability and less subjective “feelings” and opinions about yoru organization’s strategic achievement.

In a modern office setting with a soft focus background of people working on laptops, in the foreground is a beautiful woman with olive skin and Asian features, with long wavy brown hair. She is smiling at the camera, wearing colorful pro attire.

Why take the quiz to get your Strategic Achievement Score?


Get an instant numerical score (with a letter grade) that you can use as a KPI or baseline key result

… without even giving your email address!

An example key result:

Improve Strategic Achievement Score by 10pts (from 80 to 99) to move from a “B” to an “A” grade.


Receive an individualized follow-up email based on your answers with tips for where to focus next

  • Take stock of strengths and gaps in your strategic planning ops

  • Keep what’s working, and iterate what isn’t!


Re-take the quiz at any time for an updated score, to track your progress!

Improve on your baseline as you experiment with shifts to your strategic ops approach, and watch your grade improve!

Whether it’s written down or not, you have a strategy.

Now, the big question is: Are you organized to achieve it? 🤔

Unlock your strategic impact potential by understanding how well you’re truly positioned to achieve your strategic plan and strategic goals. This eleven-question quiz is quick, and will help you identify strengths and uncover areas for improvement, ensuring you’re on the right track to success.

You’ll be given a numerical score — a Strategy Achievement KPI — so you can use this quiz as one of your key results: come back anytime to re-take it for an updated score!

A white woman with dark blonde short hair looks thoughtfully up and to her right, at a drawing of a lit-up lightbulb above her head.

About Quiz Creator, Sara Lobkovich


Years as an executive leader in complex creative & technical environments

A ribbon, signifying OKR Master Coach and OKR Mentor certification.

OKR Master Coach & OKR Mentor

(certified by a leading major OKR platform and, by


OKR Coaches Trained and Counting!

NPS of 96 on client engagements; very high NPS on courses taught with partners (including Section School).

What do people have to say about working with Sara Lobkovich and Red Currant Collective?

A white woman with long light brown hair is shown from the nose up, only. She's looking up and to the right, toward a bunch of question marks drawn on the screen above her.

Strategic Achievement Quiz FAQ

  • The quiz has conditional logic, so different quiz-takers will see different questions. On average, you'll see 10-13 questions. It will take most users 5-7 minutes to complete.

  • Yes! I will use your answers to prepare the email I send you tailored to your situation and specific question answers, and will aggregate data to report on the overall findings of this quiz, but your answers and contact information are kept confidential, and not shared. I may use aggregated data for insight development, but not linked to any personally-identifiable information.

  • The questions and possible answers for this quiz are drawn from my work implementing modernized approaches to strategic planning, strategy achievement, and No-BS OKRs across tens of thousands of individual participants in 300+ organizations globally.

  • There is no catch. You can take the quiz and get your baseline for free, without even providing your email address. If you'd like to receive follow-up messages from me, please provide your email address then opt in by clicking the button on the confirmation email you receive.

  • Your answers will be used to generate your personalized scorecard, and provide tailored recommendations of next steps to you if you opt in to receiving emails from me. Data may also be used in the aggregate for sharing statistical findings but not with personally-identifiable information. I respect your privacy deeply, and do not share quiz information with third parties aside from those necessary for me to manage my email communications with you.

  • You'll receive your baseline score instantly. If you opt in to email, you'll receive your personalized response within 24-48 hours (during this initial launch phase -- we'll get faster once we iron all the launch details out)!

  • If you opt in to receiving emails from me, you may reply to my emails with your questions! If you don't provide your email address and consent to receiving emails from me, I will be unable to give you individualized answers unless you reach out to me directly, which you can do at .

  • If you opt in to receiving emails, I'll share opportunities to get further help with you via email. If you don't, I'd encourage you to explore the resources linked from this website's top navigation, so you can choose the area you're most interested in. You can also email us at: .

Get your strategic achievement score instantly!

Email opt-in is necessary to receive personalized follow-up, but you don’t have to share your email to get your instant result! Right now, we’re aiming for a 24-48 business hour turnaround time on our personalized emails, so please be patient with us!

Want a sneak peek of Sara’s book cover art?

Print books launch Fall 2024 but why wait:

The No-BS OKRs Workbook is available for download right now!