Take the No-BS

OKR Self-Assessment

Assess your own Objectives and Key Results with this helpful tool, designed by the creator of No-BS OKRs, OKR Coach Sara Lobkovich!

Answer a few targeted questions about your current OKR implementation, and you’ll gain immediate insights into your greatest OKR strength.

Within 48 business hours, I’ll follow up with expert recommendations for improving your OKR effectiveness!

Ready to boost your OKR confidence, and drive higher performance? Take the quiz now!

WTF are OKRs?

This is the question I get asked more than any other by people in my life outside of work, followed immediately by:

“… and why do you care about them so much?”

If you’re new to Objectives and Key Results — a method for collaborative goal-setting that drives clarity, alignment, and focus — check out this video and resource guide for people who AREN’T OKR experts, who have had bad experiences with OKRs in the past, or who don’t even know what the three-letter-acronym stands for.

To download the WTF are OKRs Guide, click the button below!


Years as an executive leader in complex creative & technical environments

About the Author:

A ribbon, signifying OKR Master Coach and OKR Mentor certification.

OKR Master Coach & OKR Mentor

(certified by a leading major OKR platform
and, by OKRMentors.com)


OKR Coaches Trained

“Are we doing OKRs right?”

That question, or some form of it, is what I hear first and most often when I speak with OKR practitioners and leaders.

My instant answer is always: “There is no ‘right,’” because OKRs — Objective and Key Results — are an experiment in how to do better, so “right” is going to be different for every organization (and may change from quarter to quarter).

That answer doesn’t really help. 😂

So I got out my post-its and dusted off my logic skills to build you a new tool to help answer that question!

What you’ll get:

  1. An instant answer to the question: “What’s the strongest feature of my OKRs?”

  2. A 20+ page OKR Strengths workbook, with each of the possible assessment results included along with worksheets to aid your self assessment.

  3. Two bonuses: An introduction to my No-BS OKR Maturity Model (with a Maturity Prescription Worksheet) AND a copy of the worksheet I use for No-BS OKR Quarterly Review and Resets, and some info on how to use it.

  4. After I have a chance to review your results, you’ll receive an email from me with resources, tools, and tips to help you with the more challenged parts of your OKR implementation…

…All at no charge!


Take the Assessment Now!