What good is your strategy doing,

living in a slide deck?

Every day, we hear from leaders and their “right hand” staff:

“I need better line of sight into risks that may jeopardize our strategic achievement.

We are always so busy, but are we doing the right things?”

“I want my team to be more accountable, and work with more ownership.”

And your team wants clear expectations and autonomy.
It feels impossible to reconcile.

“We’re playing ‘whack-a-mole’ with performance and culture symptoms, and spending a fortune on consultants.

Isn’t there a way to address the root causes?”

You are not alone. A fresh approach to strategic planning and alignment can help.

Want to begin your No-BS OKR journey

for only $19 USD?

Get the No-BS OKRs Workbook!

Instant download available now!

Mockup of the dark-blue background cover of the No-BS OKRs Workbook, a step-by-step how-to guide for rebelutionary leaders and thinkydoers, mocked up on a tablet screen. The copy in the image says: Now Available! Instant download

Want to learn more about working with OKRs
(without the whole “actually scheduling a meeting” part)?

⬆️ This 2.5 minute video shares a quick definition of No-BS OKRs—used by organizations from the Fortune 500 to changemaker solopreneurs—and the philosophy behind them. Get my WTF are OKRs Guide download here!

⬆️ Want answers to the three most common questions I’m asked in OKR consultations, without actually having to schedule a consult? I’ve got you! Want a personalized version with answers to your questions? Request one here.

Get your own, personalized, virtual consultation with answers to YOUR questions

👉 Complete the Info Request Form on my Coaching Portal, and I’ll reply personally in 48 business hours or less!

It could not be simpler to get started

Already using OKRs?

Start on your own with our No-BS OKRs Self-Assessment!

Then, if you’d like individualized support, our No-BS OKR Working Audit (it’s not just a report!) helps you spot your OKR program’s strengths, opportunities, and gaps to get OKRs on the right track, fast.

Considering implementing OKRs?

Don’t go it alone!

Most organizations quickly find that the reality of OKR implementation is not as easy as the books make it sound.

Implement OKRs right from the start, with help merging OKRs into your existing operation. Keep what’s working, and fill the gaps holding you back.

“What’s an OKR?”

Objectives and Key Results are a collaborative goal-setting mechanism in use in large and small organizations worldwide. OKRs can help businesses increase their clarity, focus, and alignment to improve their strategy achievement.

No-BS OKRs — the flavor of OKRs we use here — help reduce employee attrition, worker disengagement, and other performance issues while improving culture in the process.

Sara is a white woman with wavy dark blonde hair. She is smiling. She's wearing a black jacket and blue jeans, with black flats.

Professional Strategy Coaching &
OKR Coaching for Impact

with Sara Lobkovich, OKR Master Coach

Red Currant Collective enables Rebelutionary leaders and organizations to set and achieve bigger, bolder goals at scale…

… and create coherent, consistent, equitable workplaces in the process.

Download a copy of the No-BS OKRs In a Box One-Sheet

This one-sheet overviews the essential steps in a successful OKR onboarding or reboot.

(You’ll only be added to my email list if you confirm your email address, so this is no-obligation!)

Strategy, Leadership & OKR Speaking and Event Facilitation

Sara on stage during a keynote speaking event. She has shoulder-length strawberry blonde, wavy hair. She is wearing a blue v-neck sweater, with two necklaces on. She looks toward the audience, in mid-sentence, gesturing with her hands.

“I’ve never heard anyone talk about OKRs the way you do.”

That’s what I hear over and over from participants in my keynote speaking events, group panels, and event facilitation workshops.

Let’s create lasting change, with an engaging, “learn-by-doing” event for your team or organization.

Dates available in 2024 & 2025!

Strategy & OKR Coaching

Including OKR methodology adoption support

Sara is a 40-something white woman with shoulder length dark blonde wavy hair. She is smiling at the camera. Her hands are folded in front of her, resting on a pile of paper covered with sticky notes. She's sitting at a table outdoors.

Uplevel your strategic achievement and learn OKRs while doing, supported by OKR Master Coach Sara Lobkovich.

  • Co-Develop your Strategy On-A-Page, to translate your current strategy into a usable artifact

  • Onboard OKRs to your organization with confidence

  • Reboot your existing OKR implementation

  • Adopt OKRs yourself, to increase your strategic alignment, intrinsic motivation, and career impact.

Turn-Key and Custom Leadership, Career Fulfillment, and OKR Training

Strategic planning, leadership, and OKR learning programs build skill with OKRs and people leadership for results attainment.

Our OKR training courses and workshops are practical and grounded in real-world application, supported by motivational and organizational science.

I offer live, hybrid, and self-paced workshops that emphasize hands-on practice, Q&A, and collaboration, complete with step-by-step guides and worksheets to cater to all learning styles.

Your organization needs a clear path to impact.

Empower Change

Skip the chaos and dive straight into effective, impactful, goal-setting.

Boost Innovation

Foster a culture that values experimentation and creative solutions.

Quantify Success

Learn to measure change impact beyond financial metrics.

Introducing: Hassle-Free OKR Training for your Organization

“Thank you so much Sara, for an amazing class. I will be looking out for your classes more in the future. I always find your content easy to learn, fun to participate in, and achievable. I love your teaching style.”

(Nov 2023 No BS OKRs Cohort)

Now available:

OKR Training
On-Demand OKR Training
Customized for your needs

Are you ready to take your organization's performance to new heights with OKRs?

We are thrilled to offer a remarkable solution for clients seeking OKR enablement at scale. Within just a few weeks, we can tailor one of our exceptional standard trainings or asynchronous workshops to fit your environment. The process includes customized videos and other learning media, and hosting via a dedicated instance of our corporate Learning Management System (LMS), exclusively for your organization.

With our OKR Training program, you can provide your team members with access to a range of courses, including:

  • Introduction to OKRs

  • Creating OKRs Workshop

  • Leading Evolutionary OKRs

  • Aligned Individual Goal-Setting

And more!

If you've been considering OKR enablement at scale, don't hesitate to reach out. Let us show you how we can make the process super easy for you.

Schedule a quick consult to take the first step toward unlocking your organization's full potential with OKRs.

“This approach takes a lot of the ambiguity out of the process of building OKRs and it distills the concepts so that they’re digestible and easy to understand. I feel much more confident about my ability to create outcomes that will lead to transformation, rather than outcomes that simply serve as checkboxes.”

(Nov 2023 No BS OKRs Cohort)

Would you like a ballpark estimate on OKR services for your organization?

Learn OKRs with Sara Lobkovich


  • A work culture that cares more about looking good than really getting better, preventing you from trying new and improved ways of doing things?

  • Being a leader who is always busy but still not achieving the most important goals?

  • Always dealing with urgent issues and wishing you could focus on more important, rewarding work?

  • Being an employee who feels lost because what counts as success keeps changing and you don’t know what’s expected of you?

  • Putting OKRs into action but feeling confused and looking for a simpler, more effective way to do it?

  • Wanting your organization to work better together and be more strategic but not knowing how to start?

You’re not alone. Let’s talk.

Professional OKR Coaching &
OKR Consulting

with Sara Lobkovich, OKR Master Coach and creator of the Evolutionary/No-BS OKRs approach to Objectives and Key Results

Red Currant Collective OKR Coaching & Evolutionary OKR Consulting engagements are designed to

  • help organizations and leaders who are new to OKRs onboard successfully, and

  • help organizations who are right-tracking in-progress OKR methodology adoption.

If your OKRs and goal-setting approaches aren’t working, we can help you get on track.

Would you like our help creating a package specifically designed for your organization and goals? Email us or schedule a complimentary 20-minute consult.

Execute to Learn

Our goal is to teach your leaders and organization how to self-manage your aligned goal model and programs and our coaching, enablement, and even consulting engagements are designed specifically to create internal ownership of your aligned goals and rhythms of business to achieve them.

We’ve spent years gathering learnings from our visibility into over 300 organizations’ OKR implementations — some successful, some struggling — to build our No-BS OKR™ and Rebelutionary™ Leadership Toolkit, so you can benefit from our simple, useful approach to leading with OKRs and aligned goal-setting and achievement. And we learn and improve our tools and approaches every day, in practice, in real businesses like yours.

Our No-BS OKRs™ Coach Mastery programs enable in-house and external OKR coaches to move from classroom learning to OKR Coaching mastery.

A woman with long dark hair is standing in profile, near a white wall covered in post-it notes. People with laptops surrounding a desk are in the foreground.

Learn to lead people with our Rebelutionary™ Leadership cohort-based learning experience

This unique group-based program helps motivated new and established people leaders learn how to coach, lead, and achieve big, bold, goals.

Leaders who complete this learning experience leave the six-week cohort-based course with

  • strategically-aligned organizational OKRs, build with our No BS OKRs model and toolkit,

  • a rhythm of business for goal achievement for their organization,

  • a personal growth and development plan so they can model best practices of curiosity, courage, intellectual humility,

  • increased comfort and skills around some of the most challenging aspects of people leadership including conflict management and reconciliation of competing priorities,

  • increased knowledge of the mechanics of self-management that set an excellent example for the rest of their organization’s learning, development and achievement.

Now accepting waitlist sign-ups!F: Test links 1 / 2

Excel: Test link 2

A photo of Sara, with dark blonde wavy hair, looking casually at the camera with a gentle smile. The copy on the image is "Rebelutionary Leadership" with Sara Lobkovich