Welcome to the No-BS OKRs™ Blog

Here, you’ll find resources we create to help teams create, implement, and operationalize No-BS OKRs™ (called Evolutionary OKRs® in some workplaces) to set clear goals, stay focused, and build cultures of growth, learning, and high performance.

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WTF are OKRs?
OKR FAQ, No-BS OKRs Sara Lobkovich OKR FAQ, No-BS OKRs Sara Lobkovich

WTF are OKRs?

Don’t know an OKR from a KPI from any other TLA? Dive into the world of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) with our no-nonsense WTF are OKRs guide. You’ll find basic words, meanings, and context about when and how OKRs are useful, and access No-BS OKR cheat-sheets not available anywhere else

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Preview: The No-BS OKRs Playbook
No-BS OKRs Sara Lobkovich No-BS OKRs Sara Lobkovich

Preview: The No-BS OKRs Playbook

After years of writing alone and then sharing with (wonderful, patient) beta readers, with this rewrite I’m doing something different. It’s time to write in public.

Here, I’m sharing the first full chapter, Chapter One. (It’s also available in podcast form via the Thinkydoers Podcast.) I look forward to your feedback; the rewriting is done, but the editing is not, so there’s still time to incorporate constructive edits.

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Introducing Evolutionary OKRs
No-BS OKRs Sara Lobkovich No-BS OKRs Sara Lobkovich

Introducing Evolutionary OKRs

OKRs are a method for setting collaborative, objectively measurable goals made popular by the book Measure What Matters, which creates enormous excitement about the potential of OKRs, but leaves many teams and leaders frustrating trying to figure out how to implement them.

This episode introduces the Red Currant Collective brand of OKRs: No-BS OKRs (formerly Evolutionary OKRs, still used in some corporate environments). No-BS OKRs are designed to create meaningful change and help organizations transform and actually do better.

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The Goal-ification of OKRs
No-BS OKRs Sara Lobkovich No-BS OKRs Sara Lobkovich

The Goal-ification of OKRs

With the recent launch of Microsoft Viva Goals, and Asana Goals, this episode touches on how OKRs are moving more mainstream. We also share why and how — even in casual goal-setting approaches — the term “Key Results” should be treated as a term of art, with a careful definition and usage to preserve the power of Key Results in goal-setting.

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The Podcast

Thinkydoers is where we shift out of our heads and whiteboard drawings and work to find language for our thought-work and stories.

Each episode tackles a question, a thought experiment, or a resource intended to help you reduce frustration and friction, and increase satisfaction and flow, in your work.

Courses & Community

Thinkydoers, frustrated change agents, overthinkers, and challengers of the status quo:

You’ve found your people.

Here you’ll find our library of free downloadable tools, results-focused online learning options, and other ways to connect through our communities. Draft Evolutionary OKRs Playbook