Red Currant Collective helps Thinkydoers® and Rebelutionary Leaders unblock, align and mobilize their resources to achieve the inconceivable.

Your Trusted Partner for OKR Coaching: Sara Lobkovich

I help unconventional leaders and changemaker organizations set clear goals, stay focused, and build cultures of growth, learning, and high performance.

  • OKR Master Coach

  • Creator of the No-BS / Evolutionary OKRs approach to Objectives and Key Results

  • Founder and Principal Coach / Consultant, Red Currant Collective

  • Creator, Thinkydoers

Sara is sitting at a table outside, with her arms resting on example OKR coaching workshop materials: paper covered in post-it notes.
A group of people standing on the other side of a glass wall, looking at sticky-notes that are put on the wall during a brainstorming session.

Professional Objectives and Key Results (OKR) coaching enables your leaders and teams to participate fully in goal-setting, with their focus on critical thinking, discussion, and decision, not on the details of facilitating the session, time management, and note-taking. Our highly trained and skilled OKR Coach works with senior leaders to ensure teams set goals in line with the organization’s strategic plan, while ensuring that the leader and team own the goals they set. We don’t do done-for-you OKRs: instead, we help your team execute-to-learn OKR creation. Leaders and teams learn the essentials of OKRs with our support to efficiently write OKRs designed to be useful. Working with an OKR coach can be more efficient for learning how to create OKRs: learning through doing rather than trying to read books or take classes that aren’t as tailored to your environment.

Participants leave the OKR coaching session with a draft of their OKRs and direction on how to finish them, and can request additional rounds of review and support completing their OKRs if needed.

Our OKR Coaches can help you:

  • Write OKRs that help your organization efficiently achieve your strategic plan

  • Ensure that your team owns the goals they set

  • Learn the essentials of OKRs

  • Connect the dots between strategy and implementation, so that every person in your organization knows how their work matters.

If you're interested in learning more about our OKR Coaches or working with one, please contact us.

About OKR Coaching

What is an OKR Coach?

An OKR coach is a specially-trained professional who helps organizations create, adopt and apply OKRs successfully. They guide teams through the OKR process, facilitate workshops, provide feedback, and monitor progress. They also help create a mindset shift from output to outcome, from activity to impact, and from silos to alignment.

An OKR coach can work within an organization as an internal OKR champion, or offer OKR coaching services to external clients as a consultant or freelancer. Either way, an OKR coach needs to master the skills and knowledge required for this role. They need to learn how to design, communicate, and execute OKRs in different contexts and scenarios. They also need to develop their coaching and leadership abilities to inspire and empower others.

Sara in a studio shot, standing up. She is smiling at the camera, wearing a black jacket and jeans. Her thumbs are resting in her pockets.

Book one hour of 1:1 OKR coaching with Sara for only $582!

After spending the last several years only working with large enterprise clients on long-term, retained consulting agreements, I’m opening up new and more affordable ways for start-up founders, solopreneurs, and smaller organizations with limited budgets to get the help you need with OKRs…

Because you do NOT have to OKR alone!

Book and self-schedule a one hour (50 minute) OKR coaching session with me for just $582, and you’ll receive a meeting summary, with links to any follow-up resources that may help with your next steps.

I believe every Changemaker deserves a clear path to impact.

Empower Change

Skip the chaos and dive straight into effective, impactful, goal-setting.

Boost Innovation

Foster a culture that values experimentation and creative solutions.

Quantify Success

Learn to measure change impact beyond financial metrics.

Meet OKR Coach, Sara Lobkovich

Sara is sitting in a causal space on a brown sofa. She's lit by window light. Her face is in slight profile toward the light. Her sleeve tattoo of waves and birds is visible.

OKR coaching for when people and performance matter

Sara Lobkovich is an OKR Coach and strategic impact consultant who works primarily with senior leaders tackling transformative change. She focuses on serving organizations where important outcomes extend beyond just financial measures: in industries like healthcare, education, automotive and motorsport, aviation, organizations and teams must manage high performance and sometimes high risk to drive successful outcomes on human terms in order to maintain and grow their financial position. Sara works with clients in all industries, who share those characteristics.

Sara's trained 2,000+ OKR Coaches in 300+ organizations, and has lead 500+ hours of group facilitated OKR coaching sessions for organizations from the Fortune 500 to solopreneurs.

Have questions? We’d love to hear them: email Sara directly.

Join our email list to keep up with how we’re evolving:

  1. Organizational goal-setting and alignment;

  2. Rhythms of business for goal and strategy attainment; and

  3. Leader development to increase employee engagement, retention, and investment.

The Red Currant Collective newsletter is shared most weeks early on Friday morning. If you’d like an early peek at the work we’re building in public, this is the place.

Want to Become an OKR Coach with Red Currant Collective?

If you want to become an OKR coach, choose a reputable OKR education provider. Red Currant Collective can help you achieve your OKR coaching goals. We offer a comprehensive OKR coach training program that covers everything you need to know to become a confident and competent OKR coach, specifically focused on the No-BS / Evolutionary OKR methodology for application in high-change, innovation, and transformation organizations.

Our program includes:

  • Live and video-based training that teaches you the fundamentals and advanced concepts of OKRs, as well as the tools and techniques for OKR coaching.

  • Live workshops that give you hands-on practice and feedback on setting and reviewing OKRs with real-world examples and case studies.

  • Practice coaching sessions that help you apply your learning to your own projects and challenges, and receive personalized guidance and support from our experienced OKR coaches.

  • Some people complete our Coaching OKRs course to obtain the deepest possible learning about No-BS OKRs. Others go on to complete a competency evaluation to earn the title of “No-BS OKR Coach.”

Whether you want to become an OKR coach for your own organization, or become a No-BS OKR Coach to offer coaching services to clients, Coaching No-BS OKRs will prepare you for success. You will learn how to:

  • Coach the creation and implementation of OKRs in any organization, from startups to enterprises, from nonprofits to government agencies.

  • Align OKRs across different levels, functions, and teams, and ensure everyone is working towards the same vision and mission.

  • The basics of quantifying OKRs using relevant and reliable metrics and key results, and track progress using dashboards and reports.

  • Review and update OKRs regularly, and celebrate wins and learn from failures.

  • Coach and mentor others on how to use OKRs effectively, and overcome common OKR challenges and pitfalls.

  • Create a culture of accountability, ownership, and collaboration around OKRs, and foster a growth mindset and a feedback loop.

How we work


We’re strategists, in a corporate-rebel coach way

True coaching is a client-driven partnership. Our superpower is creating space and comfort with the truth: and asking the questions that help any team in any organization arrive at it. We’re corporate rebels who choose to focus on corporate workplaces to maximize harm reduction and impact at scale. We work more as thought-partners: we can give advice, if you want it, but the best results come more from the questions we ask than the answers we share.

Our goal is client self-sufficiency

First, we align on what success means (together). Then, we build the plan to get there and support your goal achievement. Typically our role is to help you and your team work better together, so we bring a blend of coaching, learning & development and facilitation tools to the table so that you and your team become self-supporting over time.

We’re curious and intuitive executive leaders

Our natural curiosity means we spot opportunities to bring in new and diverse viewpoints to help solve both new and old problems. Our Collective lets us tap subject matter experts across a broad swath of subject matter areas and points of view, to make sure that questions are considered from all angles and nobody is left behind.

People call Red Currant Collective when something needs to change. When “we need to be more strategic about this.” When there just has to be a better way.

In times of crisis and challenge, we’re who you want by your side. And we’re even more valuable upstream: we spot issues and craft opportunities to change course for the better before trouble becomes unavoidable.

We are status-quo challengers, rebels and instigators who see the ways the world around us can be shifted to be more just, equitable and healthy for all.

We are Thinkydoers®: motivated as much by questions as answers, wired for deep work, and we aren’t satisfied with thought experiments. Our insights drive impact.

Do we sound difficult? We are. No doubt about it. In the best ways.

And because we’re propelled by curiosity, empathy, and work with joy,

doing difficult things together is fun.

A woman with medium tone skin and short dark hair smiles confidently at the camera. She's wearing a green dress and has her arms crossed. She's standing in front of a casual/creative office environment where people are working.

Impact. For good.

Rough-cut excerpt from an interview with Sung Park. Our founder, Sara Lobkovich, was delighted to be featured in this in-progress series of conversations about what people love about their work.

Subscribe to our email list for the latest developments in useful information, frameworks and tools for goal-setting, rhythms of business for goal attainment, and leader development:

OKR Coaching for strategic impact with a side of systemic change.

We work primarily with senior leaders tackling transformative change. In this interview by Sung Park, you’ll hear why our founder, Sara Lobkovich, loves her work (and you’ll learn why she describes herself as an "OKR activist" and "corporate rebel").

OKRs are about increasing organizational performance and results: and OKRs, done with integrity, help organizations improve inclusion, belonging, and increase well-being and humane conditions in the workplace. We love what we do because this work helps increase objectivity in our measures of success, and create more equitable workplaces as a result.

Curious to connect?

Email us at hello at