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WTF are OKRs?
This is the question I get asked more than any other by people in my life outside of work, followed immediately by:
“… and why do you care about them so much?”
So this week, I sat down to answer those questions in a new video and resource guide for people who AREN’T OKR experts, who have had bad experiences with OKRs in the past, or who don’t even know what the three-letter-acronym stands for.
And I also included a few of our most valuable one-page cheat sheets that even experienced OKR practitioners might find helpful!
If you want to skip right to the WTF are OKRs Guide Download, here you go:
The Evolution of OKRs
Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are usually described as a collaborative goal-setting methodology, used by organizations to increase clarity, focus, and alignment. Originally inspired by Peter Drucker’s Management by Objectives (MBO), Andy Grove began working with practices that evolved into what we know as OKRs during his time at Intel. OKRs were popularized by the book Measure What Matters, by John Doerr, and by the Google OKR Playbook.
In a lot of organizations, OKRs are seen as numbers and charts and graphs on a dashboard, often implemented because senior leadership wants more visibility into the organization’s progress, and improved results.
Here at Red Currant Collective, we see OKRs:
OKRs are a transformation and alignment methodology that relies on two major parts: Objectives, and Key Results.
OKRs represent our current theory about the outcomes and progress we aim for, to further our strategy.
Fully mature OKRs serve as a measurement model to help us objectively evaluate our progress and success (and learn from our setbacks).
We work with organizational clients to implement OKRs, to turnaround implementations that are struggling or failing, and, with individuals to help increase their career fulfillment.
What’s in the WTF are OKRs Guide?
This excerpt from the No-BS OKRs Workbook gives a lightning-fast introduction to essential No-BS OKR words and meanings, and includes the essential one-sheets I use every day when teaching and coaching OKRs, including:
Our one-page OKR Cheat Sheet, with essential definitions, a fill-in-the-blank OKR Mad Lib formula, an example OKR, and essential OKR quality checks;
Example OKRs for a company, on a single page;
And, our OKR Quality Control Checklist which has never been released publicly until now!
Whether you’re a total Objectives and Key Results beginner, or an experienced OKR practitioner, you will find something helpful in this quick guide!
Don’t Want to Go It Alone?
Learn to efficiently set big bold goals in our updated Building No-BS OKRs workshop, now with year-round live and asynchronous support via the Unblock Your Inner Strategist Membership!
Learn OKRs with someone who’s been where you are right now
If you are:
A leader who’s navigating the compression zone of board or external expectations and your team’s needs?
An employee who feels lost because the goal posts for success are always moving?
An OKR practitioner feeling confused or frustrated, and looking for simpler, more effective OKR practices?
Always dealing with urgent issues and wishing you could focus on more important, rewarding work?
In an organization that’s always busy and doing a lot of activity, but not achieving the most important goals?
I’ve been there.
No-BS OKRs emerged from my experience as an executive and employee, and my frustration and curiosity about how to create working cultures focused on the substance of getting better, not just “looking good.”
Don’t let another day go by feeling frustrated and struggling to understand what’s expected of you. Download WTF are OKRs today, and get started at creating clearer expectations for yourself, no matter what’s happening in the organization around you.
Sara Lobkovich
OKR Activist, OKR Master Coach, and Principal Consultant
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Essential OKR Quick Reference
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