Welcome to the No-BS OKRs™ Blog

Here, you’ll find resources we create to help teams create, implement, and operationalize No-BS OKRs™ (called Evolutionary OKRs® in some workplaces) to set clear goals, stay focused, and build cultures of growth, learning, and high performance.

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What we can learn during the annual goals “silly season”
Goals, Thinkydoers Sara Lobkovich Goals, Thinkydoers Sara Lobkovich

What we can learn during the annual goals “silly season”

This time of year is called the "silly season" in motorsports because we're in the literal middle of our racing season AND we're all already operating in the 2023 season: planning partnerships, talent moves, and logistics for the year we won't start for another six months.

Every summer I see something really similar with my corporate clients who set goals annually…

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The Podcast

Thinkydoers is where we shift out of our heads and whiteboard drawings and work to find language for our thought-work and stories.

Each episode tackles a question, a thought experiment, or a resource intended to help you reduce frustration and friction, and increase satisfaction and flow, in your work.

Courses & Community

Thinkydoers, frustrated change agents, overthinkers, and challengers of the status quo:

You’ve found your people.

Here you’ll find our library of free downloadable tools, results-focused online learning options, and other ways to connect through our communities. Draft Evolutionary OKRs Playbook