Re-introducing the Thinkydoers™ podcast

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Thinky-doers are those of us whose work spans the spaces between thought, through the messy middle, into doing. I'm a thinky-doer, and I'm here to help others create less friction, and more flow in our work.

I’ve always been two halves of a whole. Right brain / left brain. A writer and systems thinker. A pleaser who challenges. And for the last few years, I’ve been thinking a lot about the ways my puzzle pieces fit together, and where my energy goes and comes from, and about how I might be able to reduce the friction in my life and work.

Back in 2019, I’d always vaguely wanted to try to podcast. I practicing in the car and on my dog walks, recording talks to myself that nobody will ever hear.

But then one day that summer, I walked into a diner for breakfast with a copy of The One-Straw Revolution, a book about permaculture, thinking I’d get inspired to spend the day on my long list of chores in the garden and as far from the computer as humanly possible.

But just before I stepped into the diner, I started thinking about my thinking work.

I thought about how strongly I’m wired for thinking; and, for the doing that comes after, but the thinking comes first.

We talk about different kinds of work a lot, with my husband’s two girls. We talk about service work, and building work, and selling work, and paper work, and community work, and doing work, and conference call work and meeting work and because I do a lot of it, we talk about thinking work. I struggle to find time to think — modern life isn’t exactly designed to encourage inquiry or thought. My dog walks, driving time, waiting time — the in-between times — I realized a few weeks ago that those are my windows to do my best work.

And I’m unsatisfied just thinking.

I think, then like to do, too.

So I stepped into the diner and didn’t open my book. Instead I thought about how I almost accidentally started a business the other day, which surprised (and surprises) me at the time (and now, nearly two years later, it’s become Red Currant Collective).

But ever since, I’ve been squirreling away story ideas and notes to inform future episodes of the Thinkydoers™ podcast. And now that Red Currant Collective is real, this will be the home of Thinkydoers™, an educational and business leadership resource hub.

You’ll find Thinkydoers™ wherever you listen to podcasts, including iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify and you can add it to your podcast app of choice using the RSS feed.

Thinky-doers are those of us whose work spans the spaces between thought, through the messy middle, into doing. I'm a thinky-doer, and I'm here to help others create less friction, and more flow in our work.

