Unblock Your Inner Strategist with year-round No-BS OKR support!

This brand new program brings together the best of my No-BS OKRs products and the live support and individualized attention participants have been asking for, to help you go from feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by trying to do all the things, to being focused on your most important results. With my support, you’ll create inspired goals, and make the behavior changes necessary to achieve your important measurable outcomes — all while building your career fulfillment and satisfaction.

Identify your most important strategic outcomes through inspired goal-setting … then make the changes necessary to actually achieve them!

Before we get into the details, let’s see if the Inner Strategist Program is right for you!

If you are…

  • A new or reluctant leader, feeling overwhelmed by conflicting priorities, and unclear or overwhelming expectations?

  • An entrepreneur or startup leader who is doing all the things and not achieving the outcomes you actually need to?

  • An “essential number two” — a clutch player who is heavily depended upon for actually getting the big things done, but you struggle to get the credit you deserve for your contribution, and with making your impacts visible?

  • A “doer” who is frustrated by your organization’s always-moving goal-posts, who struggles to find any feelings of successfulness at work?

You’re in the right place!

Unblock Your Inner Strategist will give you the tools, inspiration, and hands-on support to clarify your vision, and create clear expectations for yourselves and others in the form of inspired goals — with a plan for change to give you the best possible shot at actually achieving your goals!

Stop mind-reading and agonizing over what other people expect of you.

Get into the driver’s seat of your own career!

In this program, you will:


Change your mindset about goals and reduce your stress levels

Unlearn goal-setting practices and thinking that holds you back from high performance, and replace them with a science-backed, learning-centered approach to goals to help you achieve your highest possible performance (and satisfaction)


Create your own clear expectations

Create your own useful strategic input based on whatever you think is expected of you, so that you can align with any key stakeholders about what’s really expected of you before you begin creating your goals.


Develop inspired, intrinsically motivated Objectives and Key Results

Create your own No-BS Objectives and Key Results, to give yourself clarity about the small number of most important areas you’re focused on improving; and, what exactly it might mean to succeed wildly — to help you be excited to pursue exciting progress instead of bogged down by your “to do” list every day.


Learn how to implement OKRs for yourself or your organization

Connect with others learning and practicing No-BS OKRs creation — in and outside of the Inner Strategist program — to learn with and from a diverse and enthusiastic crew of changemakers and status-quo challengers through the Building No-BS OKRs Community you’ll have access to.


Connect with other Thinkydoers and Rebelutionaries

Build even stronger bonds with other Inner Strategist participant in a private community just for ongoing subscribers, where we’ll support each other around topics way beyond OKRs. Thriving at work while neurodivergent. How to quiet the world’s busiest brains. How to find intrinsic motivation when you’re in a “misfit” job. Whatever challenges you and your cohort mates are having at work, you’ll have support for those challenges here.


Get asynchronous individualized support to help you create the high-impact career of your dreams!

Connect live twice a month with Sara and your cohort mates, in a variety of ways depending on the time of year and where we are in the goal cycle. The four weeks spanning the end of each quarter are devoted to Objectives and Key Result creation and resetting; other sessions are devoted to special topics that support strategic brains; and some are general Q&A or co-working sessions to support your goal achievement!

“I highly recommend this densely packed engagement with Sara Lobkovich!

If you are a strategic operator or "Thinkydoer" as Sara has coined, then being able to communicate with data in a contextual framework like OKRs is essential! Being able to understand how OKRs are constructed has demystified the entire approach for me. You don't need a “C” in your title to operate like someone who does, and this course was a great introduction for me into that way of thinking.

If this goes viral then you are an Intergalactic OKR Thought Leader (if you aren't already).”

-Jim Wyatt, Principal Engineer + CEO

  • "Sara was awesome, super engaging and has a refreshing perspective on OKRs that makes this work more relatable, engaging and interesting."

    Alyssa A, Developer Relations

  • "Sara is insightful and an expert facilitator. Her approach helped us think differently as a group. As impactful as her process is, she made this about us and not her process."

    LeighAnne G., VP Higher Education

  • "Think of Sara as your friendly guide through the intimidating world of metrics-driven OKR's; she skillfully demystifies the topic with empathy and encouragement, tackling tough, honest questions without sugarcoating anything."

    Carley T, Developer Relations Strategy

  • "I love how it was broken down into manageable pieces. I also greatly appreciated Sara explaining the WHY behind each step of the process."

    Whitney S., Operations Manager

What’s Inside the Inner Strategist Experience?


Building No-BS Objectives and Key Results

Start with a blank sheet of paper, and finish with a one-page set of goals to give yourself clarity, focus, and increased intrinsic motivation: a formula for your highest possible performance!

What you’ll get:

  • Immediate access to my Building No-BS OKRs self-paced workshop

  • Create your own inspired, aligned goals — no matter how unclear or unpredictable your environment

  • An 11-lesson Critical Path for people who want to speed through OKR creation in a matter of hours, not days or weeks

  • Access to another 30+ optional lessons, bonus exercises, and resource guides (and counting) to develop your expertise with Objectives and Key Results if you want to dive deeper

This course alone is a $495 value, and you have full access starting month one of your Inner Strategist subscription!

This course has 40+ lessons, and the 11-lesson Critical Pathway includes:

  • What are No-BS OKRs?

    What are Objectives?

    What are Key Results?

  • Optional, but recommended!

  • 1. The Big Think + Exercise

    2. Decision Time!

    3. Creating Objectives

  • 1. Shifting to Key Results

    2. Types of Key Results

    3. Creating Key Results


Live Sessions only for Inner Strategist Participants

You’ll have access to live sessions to help with your OKR resest during the last two weeks of the quarter, and the first two weeks of a new quarter. And in between resets, you’ll have at least two opportunities a month for live, group support with Sara, directly!

What you’ll get:

  • Twice a month, I’ll host a live one-hour Inner Strategist participant-ONLY live session, with a variety of topics and formats as the year proceeds. Some will be live, open, Q&A office hours; others group co-working sessions to make sure you get time to focus on achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself.

  • Formal gatherings at key times of year for goal-setting and attainment, around a relevant topic to help you create, achieve, or celebrate your goals and goal progress.

  • None of these live sessions are boring classroom sessions: they’re engaging, supportive group time with me and fellow participants to help keep you energized about goal pursuit, achievement, and your wins and learnings all year round!


Asynchronous Community Support All Year Round!

You’ll have access to two private support communities: the No-BS OKRs discussion group and a private community only for connection with other Inner Strategists participants.

What you’ll get:

  • The highest level of asynchronous access for feedback and support there is: this is the community I start and end every single day with!

  • Connect with other awesome Thinkydoers and Rebelutionaries who are on a similar path to yours, developing their own inner strategists — and help keep each other motivated and unblocked

  • First notice of everything new around here: often that will mean free beta access; other times you’ll have exclusive discounts not available anywhere else.

When you Unblock Your Inner Strategist, you get…

40+ Goal-Setting Learning Lessons, Instantly Available…

…literally walking you step by step through creating and implementing No-BS OKRs to increase clarity, focus, and alignment

14 Worksheets To Help You Build and Communicate Your Strategy

Participants consistently highlight in feedback that these worksheets are a highlight of working with me: they’re designed to be easy to use, easy to understand, and to hold your hand and guide you through each step of the process to save time, and eliminate frustration!

Access to TWO Private Community Circles

Drop into the community anytime via your computer, mobile web, or phone app to connect with other future-focused visionaries for support and answers to questions, any step of the way

Individualized Feedback and Support Directly from Sara!

Participants in other programs frequently express that the only thing they’d change is that they want more direct access to Sara … this program addresses that feedback by giving you access via the Community Circles and a total of forty (40) live one-hour sessions with Sara and your cohort-mates over the course of the year!

Questions your Inner Strategist cohort participants
asked before saying “Yes!” to joining:

  • That’s TOTALLY okay! The live sessions are all recorded in full length, so you can replay them exactly as if you were live — just on the schedule that works for you! You can even submit your questions in advance to be answered during the live gathering. And each live session will be shared and discussed via our Community, so you can always ask follow-up questions and receive either a written or a Loom video response from Sara!

  • Complete the start of Building No-BS OKRs — through the first and second modules (Welcome to this Workshop! and What are OKRs?) — during the first 14 days of your membership. If you decide that the program is not for you and you don’t continue into CORE Module #3 (Prep for OKR Creation), I’ll issue a refund.

    If you have any questions about these terms, please reach out to me before registering, since I want you to be confident about your purchase prior to checkout! You’ll receive a priority response by emailing me here!

  • You'll receive the highest possible level of individualized attention from Sara short of signing up for 1:1 or organizational coaching. You'll get:

    1. Feedback on your work in progress as you go;

    2. 40 live sessions with Sara during the year;

    3. First chance at an RSVP for any other public appearances during the year;

    4. Asynchronous support via the two community circles year-round, direct from Sara and her team.

    If at any time you are not getting the individualized attention you expect, reach out to Sara immediately via email or DM, and we'll right the course!

  • Other participants come from a wide range of backgrounds and career experiences in both private sector, public sector, and self-employment settings.

    All participants agree to confidentiality, and, our IP acknowledgment and agreement includes some information about how to protect and preserve your confidential information. If you have specific concerns or special confidentiality circumstances, please email hello@redcurrantco.com and we’ll work with you to ensure you can fully participate, while maintaining confidentiality requirements.

  • Most lessons are video-based — when they are, videos are either subtitled or have closed-captioning available and a transcript is provided; you can also select your own playback speed as needed. Some course materials are made available via PDF: when so, we use Acrobat’s Accessibility Checker to ensure materials are as accessible as possible. If you have specific accessibility needs, please reach out to hello@redcurrantco.com and we’ll do our best to accommodate (or, be honest if we are presently unable to).

  • No other course has this level of direct access to individualized and live attention from Sara.

    Sara’s Building No-BS OKRs (included here), is an in-depth Level 1/2 course to help people achieve an intermediate level of competency with No-BS OKRs. Prior OKR experience is not required (and this course is often taken by beginners and OKR pros alike).

    Get Started with No-BS OKRs is a fully asynchronous Level 1 (Beginner) introduction to No-BS OKRs, suitable as a first step in the learning journey of No-BS OKRs, with no OKR experience required. Support is provided for general Q&A via the limited course community, but 1:1 feedback and live sessions are not included in this course.

    Last, Coaching No-BS OKRs is Sara’s OKR Expert course, which requires completion of the Building No-BS OKRs (or, an equivalency exam). Coaching No-BS OKRs is currently being revised, with a target relaunch of Q3, 2024 -- and completing Building No-BS OKRs CORE material is a pre-requisite!

  • Yes, after you agree to the course terms and conditions, including the refund and guarantee policy and the course IP & confidentiality requirements!

Do you have questions not answered here?
Drop us an email, and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

If you’re thinking: “this sounds cool, but I’m still not 100% sure,” keep reading!

This program is for you if you’re motivated by any of the following:

You’re overwhelmed by how much you are doing, and feel frustrated by the results you’re yielding.

You may be in activity quicksand, where there is so much on your plate it feels like you never get a moment to breathe or think about what’s important beyond what you have to do now.

The hard truth is that doing all the things doesn’t necessarily generate the results that are most important.

It’s counterintuitive, but goal-setting can actually help you zero in on what’s most important, so that you can think more clearly and work with greater focus.

If you’d like to create space to think, and clarity to decide what really has to get done (and what you’re going to stop doing), this is the program for you!

You’re ready to step out from behind the scenes and get into the driver’s seat of your career.

Many strategically-wired people who happen to be introverted and/or neurodivergent, or, who have experienced cultural conditioning that means you’re happier being behind the scenes can find themselves stuck in “essential number two” roles, or as “clutch players” who are important behind-the-scenes players doing a lot of heavy lifting (but without getting the rewards or recognition you’ve earned).

It can be scary to wake up and realize that your career feels like it’s being “done to you,” instead of like you’re the one at the wheel.

If you’re ready to get back in the driver’s seat of your career — as scary as that is — this is the program for you!

You’re leading people and/or projects, no matter what your title, and want to feel less alone.

It’s lonely at the top, and it’s even more lonely when you’re a status-quo challenging visionary who sees the potential for transformational change where others see only a need for incremental improvement (if any change at all).

Here, the spark of your visionary change will be gently nurtured: not discouraged or disregarded.

You are not alone, and there is nothing wrong with you. You’ll find other creative and critical thinkers in this program — the people most drawn to this work tend to have spent a lot of time feeling like square pegs at work, which can be discouraging, but it also tends to foster tremendous empathy for other square pegs: join this community and feel that love!

This Program Isn’t Magic.

But it is a powerful way to tap into your own inner strategist to help apply that valuable insight to increasing your own career fulfillment and impact.

  • No more looking at your overwhelming to-do list and feeling buried by work without feeling the rewards and satisfaction of seeing the change that really powers you.

  • No more struggling and suffering because the expectations of you are so unclear you don’t even know where to start.

  • No more feeling discouraged by how hard it is to get others on board with the change that you know is possible: “Why can’t they see my vision?”

Unblock Your Inner Strategist isn’t magic.

It’s a set of tools and skills developed based on my own challenges in the workplace, and then fueled by iteration after iteration using and refining these tools and skills with coaching and corporate clients for the last seven plus years.

Side effects of the work you’ll do in this program include:

  • You’ll reduce your emotional reactivity at work — not because emotions are “bad” or unimportant, but because it doesn’t feel good to be frustrated to the point of an emotional reaction (and you don’t have to live and work that way).

  • You’ll get reconnected with what’s really most important to you … your intrinsic motivation … which may have become a very quiet voice drowned out by everyone else’s needs and demands.

  • You’ll define success for yourself, so that when someone else moves a goal-post you’ll feel resilient and clear-headed knowing that a sudden change in direction or target isn’t a “you problem,” and, doesn’t have to affect your goals that really matter to you around your own career development and growth.

The Inner Strategist Experience is about so much more than just setting goals. It’s about having a place to explore and learn what a healthy work-life really is for your brain and your unique wiring. It’s about asking yourself what’s really most important to you — what you want your life and work to look like — and then experimenting and learning your way to making that vision a reality.

You may or may not call yourself a changemaker, or a leader — but you see the world through the lenses of “How can this be better?” and you’re either fired up about the change you want to make in the world, or feeling beaten down by the constraints of the roles you’re currently existing in.

If you’ve read this far, you’ve found your people. And I’ll be here to support you through the process of creating the next chapter of your career, every step of the way.

I can’t wait to meet you, teach you, learn from you, and cheer you on as you Unblock your Inner Strategist.

See you inside,

Take advantage of special pricing options with our Q3/Q4 Reset plans!

Break the membership fee into four quarterly payments at no extra charge


per quarter

Take advantage of the Q3/Q4 discount, AND pay in four equal quarterly installments.

Use the special checkout link below to access this limited time Summer Sale offer!

Q3/Q4 Reset Pricing:

Save $100 off the Regular (Introductory) Launch Price!


one-time payment for lifetime course access and community membership for a year!

Use Coupon Code UBYISSMB at checkout
to activate the discount.

Regular (Introductory) Launch Price


one-time payment for lifetime course access and community membership for a year!

Join today!

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