• A lovely woman with vitiligo on her face smiles as she looks at a table computer. Her hair is worn natural, in tight black curls.

    Set clear goals, stay focused, and build a work culture where everyone can learn, grow, and perform at their best.

  • A mid-career woman is working at a laptop. She wears peach cat-eye glasses, with a button-down collar under her sweater. She has naturally-textured, tightly coiled hair.

    No-BS OKRs boost clarity, focus, alignment, and performance while improving employee engagement.

  • In the foreground is the back of a laptop screen. Behind and facing the camera you can see a white woman's body with long dark blonde hair, and you can barely see her smiling (the rest of her face is not shown).

    Turn-key OKR training, ready to launch. Our live, hybrid and asynchronous options are available or customized for your environment.

Are you:

A non-enterprise leader (or their “right hand”)?

  • Increase strategy achievement

  • Improve organizational alignment

  • And, improve employee engagement and satisfaction while improving performance!

Looking for career development support?

  • Live and self-paced training

  • Coaching and community

  • Introvert- and neurodivergent-friendly learning formats

  • Unblock Your Inner Strategist!

A large enterprise leader or team member?

  • Ready to deploy solutions for OKR training, coaching, and playbook support at scale

  • Spend less on consultants by addressing root causes, not just symptoms of inefficiency

A year’s worth of OKR support for less than the cost of two consulting hours!

Unblock Your Inner Strategist Membership is Now Open!

Do you struggle to rally others to your vision of change?

Are you:

  • Feeling stuck in a work culture that cares more about looking good than really getting better, preventing you from trying new and improved ways of doing things?

  • A leader who is always busy but still not achieving the most important goals?

  • Always dealing with urgent issues and wishing you could focus on more important, rewarding work?

  • An employee who feels lost because what counts as success keeps changing and you don’t know what’s expected of you?

  • Putting OKRs into action but feeling confused and looking for a simpler, more effective way to do it?

  • Wanting your organization to work better together and be more strategic but not knowing how to start?

The No-BS Objectives and Key Results approach was specifically developed to address these concerns, while increasing employee engagement and career fulfillment in the process.

No-BS Objectives and Key Results are a proven methodology for increasing focus, clarity, and alignment.

Every Changemaker deserves a clear path to impact.

Empower Change

Skip the chaos and dive straight into effective, impactful, goal-setting.

Boost Innovation

Foster a culture that values experimentation and creative solutions.

Quantify Success

Learn to measure change impact beyond financial metrics.

Three Simple Ways to Work With Me

Strategy, Leadership & OKR Speaking and Event Facilitation

Sara on stage during a keynote speaking event. She has shoulder-length strawberry blonde, wavy hair. She is wearing a blue v-neck sweater, with two necklaces on. She looks toward the audience, in mid-sentence, gesturing with her hands.

“I’ve never heard anyone talk about OKRs the way you do.”

That’s what I hear over and over from participants in my keynote speaking events, group panels, and event facilitation workshops.

Let’s create lasting change, with an engaging, “learn-by-doing” event for your team or organization.

Dates available in 2024 & 2025!

Strategy & OKR Coaching

Including OKR methodology adoption support

Sara is a 40-something white woman with shoulder length dark blonde wavy hair. She is smiling at the camera. Her hands are folded in front of her, resting on a pile of paper covered with sticky notes. She's sitting at a table outdoors.

Uplevel your strategic achievement and learn OKRs while doing, supported by OKR Master Coach Sara Lobkovich.

  • Co-Develop your Strategy On-A-Page, to translate your current strategy into a usable artifact

  • Onboard OKRs to your organization with confidence

  • Reboot your existing OKR implementation

  • Adopt OKRs yourself, to increase your strategic alignment, intrinsic motivation, and career impact.

Turn-Key and Custom Leadership, Career Fulfillment, and OKR Training

Strategic planning, leadership, and OKR learning programs build skill with OKRs and people leadership for results attainment.

Our OKR training courses and workshops are practical and grounded in real-world application, supported by motivational and organizational science.

I offer live, hybrid, and self-paced workshops that emphasize hands-on practice, Q&A, and collaboration, complete with step-by-step guides and worksheets to cater to all learning styles.

Join my newsletter for updates about news, public events, and free resources to help you achieve your strategic vision.

Your strategy and big goals are too important to fail,
but trying to inspire people to support your vision is exhausting.

I know you want to be an influential changemaker who not only dreams of a better future, but actively shapes it. To do this, you need a playbook that brings clarity to your vision, tracks your progress, and aligns others to your cause — because true change is never a solo effort.

The problem is, traditional business strategies and goal-setting methodologies are often more about lofty concepts than practical application. They assume a level of privilege and power that not all possess, leaving you feeling stranded in your desire for impactful change.

I believe that every changemaker deserves tools that are theoretically sound and practically effective. That's why I’ve made it my mission to develop an OKR approach that drives human-centered business results. This approach enhances organizational growth, fosters a culture of trust and safety, and nurtures a mindset of continuous learning and balance.

A lovely older woman sits at an office desk, her chin resting on one hand, as she looks out the window. Her hair is curly and wild, and salt and pepper in color. Her arms are strong.


Years as an executive leader in complex creative & technical environments

A ribbon, signifying OKR Master Coach and OKR Mentor certification.

OKR Master Coach & OKR Mentor

(certified by a leading major OKR platform
and, by OKRMentors.com)


OKR Coaches Trained

Sara is a white woman with wavy dark blonde hair. She is smiling slightly off camera. She sits on a stool half cross-legged. Her sleeveless shirt shows her right arm tattoo of birds and traditional waves.

How No-BS OKRs and my methods are unique:

  • They were born from real challenges. The approaches to modernized, simplified strategic planning and No-BS OKRs I work with today were developed to solve the challenges I faced as an executive and executive coach, making them effective and relatable.

  • Scientifically robust. A blend of insights from various fields ensure a method that’s as effective and science-based as it is innovative.

  • Strategy and goal-setting get you nowhere without behavior change. Among my multidisciplinary training and experience, I’m a professional coach with special training in facilitating behavior change. This expertise helps ensure you and your organization actually achieve what you set out to.

I firmly believe in the power of No-BS OKRs to not just efficiently create clear, focused, aligned goals; but, to transform the very fabric of how we achieve them. With this unique method, you’ll not only reach your goals but do so in a way that’s rewarding, impactful, and genuinely transformative.

Let’s break free from traditional approaches to goal-setting and achievement — many of which run counter to much of what we know about the science of motivation — and pave the way for real, meaningful change.

Author, Strategist, OKR Master Coach

What do our clients have to say?

  • "Sara was awesome, super engaging and has a refreshing perspective on OKRs that makes this work more relatable, engaging and interesting."

    Alyssa A., Senior Manager, Strategy & Operations

  • "If you’re trying to rationalize objectives and key results you can learn from, choose RCCO. Sara’s open to meet you where you... Her combo of tools and coaching encourage productivity and artifacts to walk away with to action. I want a Sara on my shoulder keeping me going everywhere I go."

    Jen A., Head of CustomerIQ

  • “[Sara’s] style and approach provide you with the opportunity to take your Executive capabilities to the next level.”

    Lisa K., VP, Strategy & Innovation

About your OKR Pro:

Sara Lobkovich

By the Numbers

Sara Lobkovich has dark wavy blonde hair. She is smiling broadly at the camera. Her hands are crossed in front of her, sitting on a piece of paper covered in sticky notes.

Trained 2,000+ OKR Coaches in 300+ organizations globally

Average a 96% positive response rate in post-experience exit surveys for coaching, consulting, & offsite facilitation

10/10 Rating for No BS OKRs Course; Instructor NPS of 77 with Section School (among their highest recorded)

1000+ hours of OKR workshop facilitation experience; 75-100+ more each quarter

750+ Lead OKR methodology roll-outs for teams from 1-4,000+ from solopreneurs to the Fortune 100

Engaged with organizations with a combined annual economic impact of over $15 billion

Learn OKRs with a year of support!

This new bundle includes my popular Building No-BS OKRs course PLUS a year of community engagement and support in my Unblock Your Inner Strategist Program!

WTF are OKRs?

This is the question I get asked more than any other by people in my life outside of work, followed immediately by:

“… and why do you care about them so much?”

So this week, I sat down to answer those questions in a new video and resource guide for people who AREN’T OKR experts, who have had bad experiences with OKRs in the past, or who don’t even know what the three-letter-acronym stands for.

And I also included a few of our most valuable one-page cheat sheets that even experienced OKR practitioners might find helpful!

If you want to skip right to the WTF are OKRs Guide Download, here you go:

The THinkydoers logo and podcast art on a phone mockup. The podcast art is a picture of Sara, a white woman with dark blonde hair and a full sleeve tattoo of birds. The Thinkydoers logo is a thought bubble with a checkmark, and the word: Thinkydoers.


Thinkydoers is an OKR Podcast and so much more!

Strategy, career, leadership, goal setting, and a side of serendipity for status-quo challengers and other people who may feel like square pegs at work. Available wherever you listen to podcasts, and via this website!

No-BS OKR Coaching and Leader Development for Connected Strategic™ Organizations

Are you struggling to solve for:

  • Improving organizational accountability and ownership in your leadership and/or labor ranks?

  • Employees struggling to understand what’s important, and how their work matters?

  • Attrition among high-performers due to frustration, lack of growth and development opportunity, and slow rates of innovation and change?

  • Honest, measurable visibility into progress, with early warnings when there is trouble ahead, instead of wishful thinking?

  • Increasing signal of internal communication and reducing noise?

  • “Watermelon” quarters, where status reports are green all quarter and then the organization is red on most important measures of success?

We can help.

Do any of these sound familiar?

“Our employee satisfaction surveys show that people don’t know how their work connects to our strategic priorities. People don’t know how, or whether, their work matters.”

“As a leader, I’m overwhelmed by information, unmet needs, conflicts, and waste — but the volume, and urgency is so high, I can’t stop and think — I don’t know how to fix it.”

It’s a coin toss whether we hit or miss our goals. Our status reports are green all quarter, and then revenue comes in significantly below target. We need more measurable views of our progress and risks, earlier.”

“We’re doing a LOT, but I’m not sure it’s translating into impact. We need to do less, better. I’m not sure that what we’re doing even makes sense.”

Change resource guide

If so, start with the No-BS OKRs Workbook today.

Call us when:

  • You’re rolling up your sleeves to leap into a righteous fight (or, see one coming and want to plan ahead).

  • You’re in the thick of transformation and change, and crave thought partnership, conflict support and expert facilitation to help smooth the way forward.

  • You may be wrestling with overwhelm — too much information, too many ideas — and not enough insight.

Red Currant Collective is a strategy consultancy
that works with organizations and people wired for
purpose, progress and change.

We help Thinkydoers™ and Rebelutionary Leaders
unblock, align
and mobilize
their resources to achieve the inconceivable.

Curious to connect?

Email us at hello at redcurrantco.com