Evolutionary OKRs Playbook Chapter One: Thinkydoers Episode 11


After years of writing alone and then sharing my work on the Evolutionary OKRs Playbook with (wonderful, patient) beta readers, with this rewrite I’m doing something different.

It’s time to write in public. 

Certain chapters of the book are being shared via our email newsletter first; then after a week or two, some will be shared via the Red Currant Collective Blog, via Medium, and here, as Thinkydoers podcast episodes. As terrifying as this is for me personally, it’s time. The final rewrite is buzzing along, I’ve got a target date for the v1 eBook release if I keep up at this writing and editing pace, and it’s necessary to get this thing out so it can help the people who need it.

So here in this episode, I’m sharing the first full chapter, Chapter One. And if you don't want to wait for the public release of each chapter, you can get the early peek by joining our newsletter at http://findrc.co/newsletter.

Chapter One of the Evolutionary OKRs Playbook


Episode 11: Show Notes

Welcome back to Thinkydoers for this audio episode of the first chapter of my upcoming Evolutionary OKRs Playbook! Now, it may only be August, but those of us in strategic planning are already looking into 2024, so be on the lookout for our new OKR resources and workshops since the clock is ticking on 2024. As we dive into the most recent and final rewrite of the Evolutionary OKRs Playbook, we begin with what it may have looked like when you first heard about OKRs (in relation to your position at your company), why I identify as an OKR activist, and what you can expect from this book release.

We’d love to hear your thoughts, questions, concerns, or suggestions about everything you’ve encountered in chapter one, so please send us an email and let us know what you liked, disliked, and want to hear more of.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the first chapter, and keep tuning in to Thinkydoers for more chapter reveals of Sara’s Evolutionary OKRs Playbook.


Key Points From This Episode:

  • It’s a great joy to finally bring you chapter one of Sara’s Evolutionary OKRs Playbook.
  • The resources that we’re planning on offering for the rest of the year and in 2024.
  • What it may have looked like when you heard about OKRs for the first time.
  • Why I'm an emphatic OKR Activist.
  • Reasons why I'm so willing to share my OKR knowledge and expertise.
  • Your invitation to email us with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions on Chapter One.
  • Why should adopt a glossary of OKR terms at the very beginning of implementation (a sneak peek of the next episode).
  • New, flexible, self-paced workshop options available: email us for more!




“Incoherence is my kryptonite.” — @saralobkovich [08:22]


“The transparency with which I'll share my approaches, tools, and tactics, as well as the why behind them in this book may just put my consulting business out of business.” — @saralobkovich [10:16]


“I hope that at some point you take a step back from the day-to-day labor of your work and think a bit about what changed world you'd like to see someday. What difference would you like to make? How would you like to leave your community, career, or self better than you find it now?” — @saralobkovich [10:37]


Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


And, you can read the full first Chapter on the Evolutionary OKRs Blog!


What are "Objectives" and "Key Results" in OKRs?


When "OKRs Don't Work" -- Thinkydoers Ep 10