Get a head start on your OKR Reset by downloading our OKR Learning Review Guide!

This eight-page guide gives a quick introduction to No-BS OKRs, and provides a short, sweet, overview of the OKR Review rhythm I use to help generate continuous learning from OKRs during every OKR Reset. I also included the worksheet from our No-BS OKRs course. During the first cohort we used that worksheet, students provided the feedback:

That OKR Learning Review worksheet was worth the price of the course, alone!
— No-BS OKRs Participant, Nov 2023
OKR Learning and OKR Retrospective Quick Guide

Don’t Want to Go It Alone?

Learn to efficiently set big bold goals in our updated Building No-BS OKRs workshop, now with year-round live and asynchronous support via the Unblock Your Inner Strategist Membership!

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Get the No-BS OKRs Learning Review Guide

For access to this user-friendly guide, packed with helpful resources for your quarterly learning review and OKR reset, complete this form and then watch your email for a link to download!

    Sara is a white woman with wavy dark blonde hair. She is smiling slightly off camera. She sits on a stool half cross-legged. Her sleeveless shirt shows her right arm tattoo of birds and traditional waves.

    How No-BS OKRs and my methods are unique:

    • They were born from real challenges. The approaches to modernized, simplified strategic planning and No-BS OKRs I work with today were developed to solve the challenges I faced as an executive and executive coach, making them effective and relatable.

    • Scientifically robust. A blend of insights from various fields ensure a method that’s as effective and science-based as it is innovative.

    • Strategy and goal-setting get you nowhere without behavior change. Among my multidisciplinary training and experience, I’m a professional coach with special training in facilitating behavior change. This expertise helps ensure you and your organization actually achieve what you set out to.

    I firmly believe in the power of No-BS OKRs to not just efficiently create clear, focused, aligned goals; but, to transform the very fabric of how we achieve them. With this unique method, you’ll not only reach your goals but do so in a way that’s rewarding, impactful, and genuinely transformative.

    Let’s break free from traditional approaches to goal-setting and achievement — many of which run counter to much of what we know about the science of motivation — and pave the way for real, meaningful change.

    Author, Strategist, OKR Master Coach