Ready to transform your goal-setting and goal-achievement game this Fall?

Join my free, live, Goal Friday sessions to help you maximize your calendar Q4 impact and set 2025 up for success!

This eight-week series of FREE live events will help you learn simple, useful approaches to strategic planning and goal-setting. We’ll also spend time on the part of goals that usually gets overlooked: recognizing the behavior changes required to support goal achievement.

You can join any or all of the sessions, which take place on eight consecutive Fridays at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern.

Does that time not work for you? If you join now, you’ll hear about the replays so you can time-shift and participate asynchronously (and stay tuned, because we’ll be adding an Australia/Asia friendly option in future series)!

A photograph of Sara, a white woman with long red hair, sitting on a stool wearing jeans and a blue blouse, with her tattoo visible. She's smiling broadly at the camera.

The Q3/Q4 2024 Goal Fridays Series Includes:

  • September 27th: How to Stop Overthinking and Achieve Your Goals

  • October 4th: How to Set Goals for Success and Avoid Burnout in Q4 2024

  • October 11th: SMART Goals vs. KPIs vs. OKRs: The Ultimate Guide

  • October 18th: Don’t Start With An OKR Platform (and What to Do Instead)

  • October 25th: OKR Audit LIVE: Real-Time Insights & Advice for Effective Goal Setting

  • November 1st: Connect Strategy to Execution with OKRs: Ask Me Anything (AMA)

  • November 8th: Why You Shouldn’t Cascade OKRs to Individuals (Do This Instead)

  • November 15th: OKRs Before vs. After: Real Case Studies for Success [2024]

All sessions are Friday at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern, with replays available shortly after the live event!

Here’s how this works:

Number 1:

Join the Email List For Full Event Information and Reminders

List members receive a weekly email with what’s new at Red Currant Collective, and reminders the morning of each live event. You’ll also hear about future Goal Friday series and other ways to get involved with No-BS OKRs!

Number 2:

Add the Events To Your Calendar and RSVP via YouTube or LinkedIn

After you opt in to receiving emails from me, you’ll get a link to my AddEvent so you can add all of the events to your calendar. If you subscribe to the calendar via AddEvent, you’ll get updated joining info pushed straight to your calendar; and, you can also RSVP via whichever platform you wish to join via: YouTube or LinkedIn.

Number 3:

Join Any or All of the Events:
You Get to Choose.

Each event covers different information, but none requires previous knowledge, so you can pick and choose which you wish to join, or join them all — either way works!

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Join the newsletter for the full dish on upcoming events, classes, Thinkydoers podcast episodes, and other tools and resources to help you increase your organizational or career impact and fulfillment.

    We respect your privacy. You may unsubscribe and/or update your email preferences at any time.

    Not an email newsletter person? Don’t let that stop you!

    If you would like to participate without joining the email list, I totally get it.

    Click here to skip the email opt-in and subscribe to the Goal Friday Series calendar. You’ll miss out on reminder messages and other information that supports your goal setting and achievement, but you’ll still have full access to the Goal Friday events.

    You will have to provide a name and email address, but that’s only so I can send you the worksheets or resources for the events you attend. You will not be added to my email list if you join via AddEvent only!